Thursday, March 19, 2009

Irish Soda Bread

We tried this for St. Patrick's Day and really liked it! Recipe from Too bad I didn't take a picture!

4 to 4 1/2 C flour
2 T sugar
1 t salt
1 t baking soda
4 T butter
1 C raisins
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 C buttermilk

Sift together the flour, sugar, salt, and soda in a large mixing bowl. Using a pastry cutter, work butter into flour mixture until it resembles coarse meal, then stir in raisins. Add egg and buttermilk and mix in with wooden spoon until dough is too stiff to stir. Kneed gently, adding more flour if too sticky. Don't overknead! Shape into a round loaf. Put on a cast-iron skillet or baking sheet. Using a serrated knife, score top of dough about 1/2" deep in an X shape. Bake about 35-45 min, at 425, until bread is golden and bottom sounds hollow when tapped with a knife. Check for doneness by putting a thin and long skewer into the center. If it comes out clean, its done. Transfer bread to a rack to cool briefly. Serve warm, or at room temperature, sliced, and if you want to you can even toast it.

*Don't get burned on your cast iron skillet when you take it out of the oven!

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